Friday, July 30, 2010

You might be a PA student IF...

You might be a PA student IF...

1. When drinking, you and your friends think that the increase in your AST/ALT tomorrow is going to be hilarious!
2. You still attempt to explain to your family what's going on in PA school.
3. When you go out with non-medical students, you're abnormally quiet, because you don't know what to talk about besides PA school.
4. You refer to the semesters you took organic chemistry as "The Good Old Days."
5. You've ever heard the phrase "You must be smart, you're in med school!" and wanted to vehemently disagree.
6. You consistently tell people that they just don't understand how bad it really is. (Yes, yes, and yes.)
7. You know that, in theory, you have a family and friends, but you can't place the last time you saw them.
8. You constantly find yourself saying things like "I just have to get to spring break" or "I just have to get through Unit 1."
9. You know countless dirty mnemonics for parts of the body, but couldn't tell anyone what the front-page headline today is.
10. You notice your friends ask you how schools going, then realize they immediately regret it when you actually answer.
11. People assume you know something when you tell them you're in PA school, but you know that you haven't learned anything.
12. You can name 3 specialties you're interested in, then immediately rule two of them out because they don't pay well enough to pay off your debt.
13. You assess beverages for amount of caffeine before buying only those with more caffeine than coffee.
14. You've done physical exams on your roommate, boyfriend, girlfriend, and any close friends.
15. You think "AWESOME!" if someone keels over in front of you.
16. You've thought something like "what's another $10,000 in loans?"
17. You buy shower crayons to draw flow charts and countless medical terminology and lab values in the shower because you feel guilty for taking a 15 minute shower break.
18. You have a new hatred for people who actually go on vacations, or just have a life in general.
19. Going to Wal-Mart is your only social contact of the week (besides others who are in PA school).
20. You are sitting on the toilet calculating your glomerular filtration rate.
21. Staring aimlessly at walls is your idea of an exciting study break.
22. Your tear ducts have become attached to every emotion (laughing, anger, sadness, happiness, etc).
23. You bring up annual rectal exams to all of your family over the age of 50 during family dinners.

One of my classmates posted this on facebook tonight - it's soooooooo true!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


This is what school is making me feel like. Finals start Monday. UGH!

This is what PA school feels like: a long and futile attempt...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

PA School funnies

Most of you will probably not find this as funny as I did. We've recently learned about heart rhythms and one of my classmates posted this on facebook. HILARIOUS!

I'm not quite sure how these Med students have time to make all of these videos, but they sure are funny :)

I got to see my boys this weekend and it was glorious. They really are the best! I also tried my camera when I got home (the one I dropped in the lake the last time I was home) and it WORKS!!! I was super happy about that. SO, it's Sunday night and tomorrow is the beginning of another long week full of learning. I can't believe that unit One finals are in 2 weeks - SCARY! Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well.

Till next time, be good!

p.s. Just want to throw a shout-out to Randy for finishing his third sprint triathlon this weekend. And Happy Birthday, too!!! :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend

I had a FANTASTIC Fourth of July weekend! It was great to be home with my boys and even better to have a nice, loooong weekend. I was able to get some school work done and had some fun too.

On Friday night we met up for dinner with some of Justin's work buddies. Got to hear lots of funny stories. On Saturday I slept in, which was glorious in and of itself! Then we went for a walk with Lucien, saw ECLIPSE, I did some school work, then we BBQ-ed with friends, chatted with my neighbor, made some delicious brownies, and did more school work till late. On Sunday I slept in again (happy sigh), did school work, rescued my friend's little boy from a pair of handcuffs and got to chit-chat and catch up. :) Then we BBQ-ed with Amie Jo and her awesome family! I love hanging with them - it's like being surrounded by my own crazy family :) Then more hanging out with friends! On Monday morning I actually RAN! It was my first run in a little more than 2 weeks and boy, am I sore! I took Lucien with me and he was dying after half a mile. We went 2.2 miles.

After that we loaded Lucien in the car and went out to Lake Mattoon to hang out with some running buddies - Jaymie and Randy!!! It was soooo great to see them. There was another black lab running around and fetching sticks out of the water. Lucien is really afraid of water - has NEVER liked it at all. After about an hour of coaxing, we finally got him to walk into the lake with us. It was little by little, but after a while he was actually in chest-deep! I was so proud of him. He would have never even wanted to get in if it wasn't for the other lab (Charlie) making it look like so much fun. I had my camera and was taking pictures. Sure enough, as I was trying to hand it off to Justin (to avoid dropping it), I dropped it right into the lake. BOO. So, Jill took these pics with her camera phone. They'll have to do for now. Hopefully my camera will work once it dries out. :)

me, Randy, Justin, and Lucien

After this, Jaymie and Randy took us on a tour of lake in their boat. It was a gorgeous day and I could not think of a better way to spend it than with friends on the lake. Thanks to everyone who made this weekend so much fun!!

A huge hug and kiss to my incredible Justin. Thank you so much for getting the house ready for me and for being so incredibly supportive and encouraging while I'm on this crazy journey. I love you more than you know.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Home, sweet home!!

Yay! for loooooong weekends. Arielle and I rode the train home last night and it was pretty interesting. Lots of crazies on a completely packed ride. We used the time to work on school stuff... are you at all surprised by this?!?! :)

Arielle and I on the Hogwarts Express to Effingham - home of the...?!?!?!

I slept in with my boys this morning and it was GLORIOUS! I've got some work to do this weekend, but I'm definitely looking forward to doing some normal people stuff like watching Eclipse (I can't wait to see it!), hitting the pool, and enjoying some BBQs. Very excited.

Oh, and I forgot to tell you all the GREAT news: I had midterms this Monday. I found out Thursday that I passed all of my exams!!! :) WOOOHOOOO. It was totally intense and I'm so glad they went well. Unit one finals are in just 4 weeks. Crazy.

Anyway, I'm off to enjoy all of this sunshine. Have a GREAT day and a FANTASTIC July 4th!!!