Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The end is near...

... Isn't this title cryptic? I think I dig it. The end of the year is drawing near, so let's talk.

I obviously passed my unit 3 finals. Hehehe. I made Neuro my biatch. I actually received my highest comprehensive test score on this unit, so that was really exciting. After finals we had a great night in Carbondale with dinner and then drinks and dancing. Then it was time to come home!!!

This Christmas has been really nice. I've spent a lot of time a at home since the semester ended. It's been nice just hanging out around the house with the boys. I've caught up on this season of Law and Order: SVU and I 'm reading Pride and Prejudice on my iPad. Life is good. We hosted Christmas day at our place, which was really nice. Jill made Dutch babies for lunch (very yummy baked concoction of eggs, ham, powdered sugar and I'm not sure what else) and then later I made dinner (baked chicken, spicy green beans, stuffing, and homemade mashed potatoes). Then we just lounged around and watched all of the Harry Potter films. My favorite kind of marathon! All in all, it was great. Nice and relaxing.

It's been a real blessing to just be home with Justin. I've missed him like crazy since I've been away for school, but now I really find myself taking the extra few moments to hug him or kiss him or just hold his hand whenever possible. It's bananas the things we take for granted. Now I'm really enjoying every opportunity to snuggle or be beside him.

Early on January first we'll be jumping in the car and driving down to Miami to spend some time with my family. I can't wait to see mom, dad, and Jason! And I can't wait to love on my Bella! Lucien's coming with us, so he's getting all dolled up at the groomer's tomorrow. He's gonna be so excited to see Jack and run around his old yard! I also get to meet little Kaden (I'll be his godmother as of Jan. 2)! We're gonna take a trip to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios toooooooooo! I'm pretty sure you can all gauge my excitement level on that last part. WOOOHOOOOO. Very exciting business.

On to important news. I think i just got the most exciting Christmas gift ever from my roomie : it's a 2011 day calendar.
Are you as stoked as I am?! Cause I'm pretty dang stoked! On top of this awesome gift, I got to shadow her at the ER today and I drew blood for my first time. It was very cool. :)
I'm so blessed. I also got a lovely physician bag to hold all of my medical equipment, a hand mixer, some gift cards to Panera, and a copy of Eclipse! Not to mention the iPad that I got a few weeks ago.

It's been a GREAT December. I hope all of you have also had a great December and that the new year brings all kinds of positivity and love. Be blessed!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Toys & Finals

So... it's finals time again. Geeze. I feel like it's ALWAYS finals time.
We've been studying like fiends and also trying to get into the Christmas spirit.
We're been listening to cheezy Christmas music on Pandora and I absolutely have been
loving it!!

Good news. I took a big step and ordered myself an iPad earlier this week. It was so exciting anf it actually arrived today! We're finally taking a break from studying while we eat some chili that I just made, and I'm finally gonna get to play with it for a few minutes. YAY!!!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic December and is getting ready for all of this Holiday cheer.
I'll be home with my boys in just 1 week!

I'll leave you with this awesome video...