Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's almost time...

I've been fighting a head cold (i think) for the past 9 days. My nose will not stop running. I went to see the Dr. yesterday and he thinks that seasonal allergies are the culprit. Weird. I've never suffered from allergies in the past. So, I went and got the generic Claritin and the generic Affrin spray - yes I'm cheap (thank you, dad, for bequeathing the cheap gene to me).

I started this regimen yesterday. Right now, I feel worse. Now my throat hurts too. Ugh. I just added some Nyquil to the mix. I'm really hoping I get better soon because the IL Half Marathon is just around the corner. 3 days, 9 hours and counting - to be exact. I really need to be in top form on Saturday. Last Saturday was my final long run in preparation for the event. It was 10 miles and it was miserable. I just was not feeling it. I ended up walking a lot and was very disappointed.

Thank goodness for post-long run breakfast with buddies. One of these lovely ladies told me that a bad dress rehearsal usually means a good event - i really hope this holds true for this Saturday...

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