So, in the last year I've been very busy with PA school. Unfortunately, all of the studying and stressing left me very little time to run or work out, and a ton of time sitting on the couch and snacking while working on assignments for class. The result ---> I gained 11 pounds. Ugh. Putting it in writing makes me really ashamed. I was in the best shape since I had started running in May 2008 when the program started last June. I felt confident. I felt good about myself. Now, not so much.
The plan is to get back in shape as quickly as possible. I started running again on Monday (6/6) and plan to run the Nashville Women's half marathon on 9/24. My last half time was 2:30 (my fastest to date), so my plan is to come in at 2:20.
I also got my copy of P90x in the mail today. I'm really excited to start the program tomorrow. I'm going to do the lean version. I spent all day looking over the nutrition plan and other material. I can't lie- i'm excited, but I'm also more than a little bit intimidated. I'll need some help to push me along. Any encouragement will be greatly appreciated. And if anyone has the program and wants to start with me tomorrow that would be awesome!!!
Here's my plan for the next 7 days:
-1 Core synergistics
-2 Cardio X
-3 Shoulders & arms, Ab ripper X
-4 Yoga X
-5 Legs & back, Ab ripper X
-6 Kenpo X
-7 Rest or X stretch
I'll also be running 3-4 times a week.
So, without further ado, here are the "before" pics....
Please know that I don't feel good about these pics at all. The term "upset" is a mild version of how I feel about my body right now, but this was not meant to be a pity party. I've made the first step toward making a change, and tomorrow will be day 1 on my 90-day journey to a better me.
Please send positive vibes.
edited on 7/31/11 - i removed the pics. they were really bothering me. :(