Tuesday, December 6, 2011

by the way...

It's December 6th and I'm almost finished with my OBGYN rotation. I know it's been a while. But I just wanted to let you know that I have been loving this rotation. I've been blessed with the opportunity to see a fair few babies born, and have even had the incredible pleasure of delivering 5 or 6!! I can't even describe the feeling after that first delivery. I was actually bouncing around. It was amazing.

I've only got a week left in this rotation and I"m really going to miss it. I'm working with awesome providers and great nurses - everyone is so much fun. And I'm learning so much. I've got nothing bad to say about this experience. Since my last post I had the opportunity to do my elective rotation in orthopedics, which was also very cool. I got to see a lot of surgeries. :)

Anyway, finals are approaching quickly, so I should go study. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by loved ones.  Here are some pictures from my Thanksgiving.

Love and blessings,

this made my heart pitter patter...

This website made my heart pitter patter as I envisioned getting a do-over on my wedding day. It's so beautiful and not over-the-top. Whimsical and perfect. ::sigh::


Love and hugs,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

is this it?

i'm currently preparing for my ER rotation exam

i can't shake the worry about whether this is the right career path for me

yes, i'm overwhelmed and feel like i'll never know enough

but apart from that, i have this fear that i won't love doing this every day

what if i don't even like doing this most days

i feel like i'm constantly second guessing myself and my lack of self confidence is really disheartening

i want to cry, but i know my time would be better spent in studying my objective list

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I am...

Currently awaiting the end of my ER rotation.

It's not that it's been a bad rotation. It's just not for me.
I've already completed my psychiatry (which i thoroughly enjoyed) and geriatrics (old people are generally cute). Next up is orthopedics.

Here is what I'm currently killing time looking at online:
The TimeTurner from The Prisoner of Azkaban. I would REALLLLLLLY like this one, cause I wear silver, but it's way more expensive than the gold one.
I really prefer the box this one comes with.
"I mark the hours every one nor have I yet outrun the sun. My use and value unto you are gauged by what you have to do". I like that they actually included the inscription.
::dreamy face::

i love the Marauder's Map. plain. and. simple.

I know I need to get an actual iPhone first, but
I'm working on it! ;)

i think this is super cute and would
love to lounge around in it!

These are awesome! They would also go great with my robe 
and wand. I still have the nimbus 2000 socks my mom got 
me when the first film came out! Shout out Mom - i love you!

This mug is sooooo
When you put coffee in it...

I would like one of each, please and thank you.

Mischief managed. Till next time, which hopefully won't be too long...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Busy. Tired. Inconsistent.

A few words that describe my life at this point.

Busy. Tired. Inconsistent.

I've not been keeping up with my P90x workouts.

But I did run 2.2 miles twice this weekend.

Don't judge me.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 7...

Just a quick update to let you all know that I just finished day 7 of the P90x program and I feel great!!! :) I hope everyone's doing well.

I started my psych rotation this Monday, and I've already seen lots of "interesting" people.

Tomorrow's our first tutor group session of phase 2 and I get to see my lovely Mattoon girlies. This makes me smile. ;)

Good night, loves.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 2 of P90X

Can you say "WOAH!!"

That's how my body feels right now. Yesterday I awoke at the crack of dawn (5:45am) and did day one's workout - Core synergistics. It was really intense. Then I had orientation at the hospital for Phase 2 rotations. Exciting!!! This means I also got to see my Mattoon girlies who are also in the program. ;)

After all of that was done I literally came home and spent the entire day in my bed either reading or watching stuff on netflix. it was really nice. I finally got to watch Eat, Pray, Love and I liked it. I was asleep by 9:30pm and slept all the way through 9am this morning!!!

So, I ran 2 miles this morning and just finishied my second P90X workout - CardioX. I am beat. My body is ridiculously sore. Seriously. Tomorrow I'll be driving up to LOW to meet up with my TNT for a long run (probably only 4 miles for me). Then my mom-in-law and I will be scrapbooking alllllll day long at Daisy Lane!! So Excited.

Anyways, I need to go unstinkify and meet a buddy for lunch. I hope everyone is having a great day.

Here are some funnies to keep you smiling throughout the day. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


So, in the last year I've been very busy with PA school. Unfortunately, all of the studying and stressing left me very little time to run or work out, and a ton of time sitting on the couch and snacking while working on assignments for class. The result ---> I gained 11 pounds. Ugh. Putting it in writing makes me really ashamed. I was in the best shape since I had started running in May 2008 when the program started last June. I felt confident. I felt good about myself. Now, not so much.

The plan is to get back in shape as quickly as possible. I started running again on Monday (6/6) and plan to run the Nashville Women's half marathon on 9/24. My last half time was 2:30 (my fastest to date), so my plan is to come in at 2:20.

I also got my copy of P90x in the mail today. I'm really excited to start the program tomorrow. I'm going to do the lean version. I spent all day looking over the nutrition plan and other material. I can't lie- i'm excited, but I'm also more than a little bit intimidated. I'll need some help to push me along. Any encouragement will be greatly appreciated. And if anyone has the program and wants to start with me tomorrow that would be awesome!!!

Here's my plan for the next 7 days:
-1 Core synergistics
-2 Cardio X
-3 Shoulders & arms, Ab ripper X
-4 Yoga X
-5 Legs & back, Ab ripper X
-6 Kenpo X
-7 Rest or X stretch
I'll also be running 3-4 times a week.

So, without further ado, here are the "before" pics....

Please know that I don't feel good about these pics at all. The term "upset" is a mild version of how I feel about my body right now, but this was not meant to be a pity party. I've made the first step toward making a change, and tomorrow will be day 1 on my 90-day journey to a better me.

Please send positive vibes.


edited on 7/31/11 - i removed the pics. they were really bothering me. :(

I'm back!! I swear...

Hello friends!!!

I finished year one of PA school last month and I'm moving on to phase two tomorrow. I would've posted sooner, but I was busy relaxing and hanging out with my mom. :) After finals there was a frenzy of celebrating my 5 year wedding anniversary, moving back to Mattoon (when Justin broke his ankle stepping off the Uhaul truck), going back to Carbondale for some last minute certifications and a master symposium (and some drinks and a hilarious sleep over with all of the girls). Then mom flew in and we spent two weeks relaxing, reading, scrapbooking, etc - we even spent a day visiting the wineries in Carbondale. All in all, it's been a great break. So much to celebrate and be thankful for.

I mentioned earlier that hubby and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on May 13th. I'm not sure where the time has gone. We had a wonderful dinner at Global Gourmet in Carbondale and the food was delicious! The atmosphere was so cozy and I kind of fell in love with the place.
Appetizer: roasted garlic with warm, crusty bread, pesto, feta cheese, olives and diced tomatoes. YUM!
Entrees: Justin had the fennel encrusted salmon with roasted potatoes and veggies. I had cheese stuffed chicken breast also served with roasted potatoes and veggies. Delish.

Anyways, I'll be posting some pics soon, I promise. We did so many cool things as part of PA school, the casting pics are a lot of fun, so I'll be sure to include some of them.

This made me smile, so I decided to include it, in hopes that it makes you smile too! ;)


Monday, April 4, 2011

I love The Count

Sesame Street just made my day... 
Enjoy, friends!

I hope you're all having a wonderful Monday.
And, and a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to the RunningDoc. Congrats on your newest PR :)

Keep smiling,

Sunday, March 6, 2011

It's been s while...

Hello friends!!

I've been slacking a bit, but it's not entirely my fault. I swear. My wonderful MacBook took a poop back in January, so I've been using my iPad for everything. Unfortunately, i haven't found a blogger app for the iPad that allows me to upload photos and do other fun stuff. So, I haven't blogged. Lame, but true.

I jut finished another unit of PA school!! It was our endocrine and OB/GYN unit. Lots of baby stuff and thyroid stuff. Very interesting, but I'll tell you honestly. I've never seen anything more disturbing than live, vaginal childbirth. Ugh. One the other hand, I don't think anything has made me smile quite like an ultrasound of a 20 week fetus. Absolutely heartwarming. She had the hiccups and you could see her wiggle with each hiccup. It was absolutely thrilling. Almost makes my biological clock start ticking a little louder. And then I remember the video of childbirth and i gag a little bit!

Anyway. It was another long unit and I'm glad it's over. Just one more unit to complete before the year of rotations begins. Right now we're doing seminar week where we get to learn all kinds of cool hands-on stuff. On Friday we learned knot tying, suturing (on pigs feet!), how to start an IV, IM/SubQ injections, NG/OG tubes, and catheters. There's a ton more we'll be learning throughout this week. :)

Next Sunday I'll be boarding a plane to Miami to hang out with my family. I can't wait to see them. I plan to just hang out with them and spend lots of time in my parents' backyard soaking up some sunshine. Can't freaking wait.

I hope everyone is good. :) Till next time!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

a funny blog my roomie stumbled upon...

I hope you find this to be as amusing as I did. I think I laughed for about 20 minutes straight while perusing this blog. Enjoy!

P.s. Beware. Some of the content is rather crude.

When the bathroom air has been slain in an epic battle with someone’s ass, besides exorcising those reeking demons with all that modern technology has to offer, let’s warn each other about what lies on the other side of the door with the faux gravitas of a Lord of the Rings character, because you know how that cracks me up. 


Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Oh my goodness. Where do I begin? The park is absolutely amazing. Its all the way at the back of Universal Studios Islands of Adventure and there's actually a lie to get into this part of the park. The first thing you see is this sign that says "Please respect the spell limits" and then you see the Hogwarts Express. It was soooo exciting!! :)

THe Hogwarts Express!!!
Hogsmead covered in snow
Chocolate covered frogs at Honeydukes Sweet Shop!
Quidditch gear
Please excuse the crazed look on my face. I was VERY excited about getting my Gryffindor robe and my Sirius Black wand!!!! (P.S. I already know I'm a dork!)
The Three Broomsticks
Yummy lunch at the Three Broomsticks and a delicious Butterbeer (get the frozen kind instead of the carbonated kind!)
Hogwarts Castle entrance
Hogwarts crest
House beads  - I was really excited about this! 
Tapestry Map of the Castle grounds
Dumbledore's study 

The Sorting Hat!

Hagrid's Cabin
Buckbeak the Hippogriff
The Castle from the Flight of the Hippogriff ride
I wish this had been an actual shop with custom parchment, but I was able to get cool stationary and stamps at Dervish and Banges. 
I would really like a self-stirring pot ;)

The flying Ford Anglia

Honeydukes Sweet Shop
Chocolate Cauldron Cakes from Honeydukes.
Mom and I having a great time at the park
A view of the castle 

Have you seen this wizard?! I LOVE Sirius Black :)

The Triwizard Rally
 So, these are just a handful of the pictures I took. We had a fantastic day and the best part was that I got to share the experience with my wonderful husband and my beautiful momma. It couldn't have been better... Plus I had two Butterbeers and got my robe and wand!! What a day!

Do yourself a favor and make your way to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Islands of Adventure on Orlando, Florida!!!