Sunday, April 29, 2012

IL half marathon - a new PR!

So, you may remember that I began training for the IL half marathon back in January. Well, yesterday was the big day. The last time I ran a race was Spring 2010 (PA school has kept me way too busy to get the training in). My PR, or personal record, for the half marathon is 2:30:01. My goal for this race was just to beat that time.

I started running again back in January with my Vibram Komodo Sports. Then in February I bought myself a Garmin Forerunner 210 (amazingness). I did pretty well with sticking to my plan and felt really good about my training. I headed to the race expo on Friday afternoon with my husband and just wasn't that jazzed. The weather forecast was calling for 48 degrees with 20 mph winds and 30-40% chance of rain. This is not the kind of running whether that I consider optimal... to say the least. That, and the fact that I didn't see any of my running buddies at the expo, just had me feeling a bit "blah". Nevertheless, I set out all my gear and made sure I was in bed by 9pm. It took me a while to fall asleep, and then 4:30am arrived and my alarm was going off.

I suited up in my new CWX 3/4 Stabylx compression tights, lightweight Under Armor running jacket, and Vibrams, etc and made the drive up to Champaign. I hit some patches of rain, but then it died out. I stopped at the first group of porta-potties I saw and then met up with my running buddies. I was starting to get more excited at that point. It was pretty cold and I'm really glad I remembered my gloves!

The race started and I was feeling good. I finished my first 2 miles way under goal (9:40-9:50). I took a 1 minute walk break at 3.75 miles and then again at 6.5 miles. That's when I ate some energy beans too. We were winding through a park on a narrow path for most of miles 7 and 8. This is when I started getting tired and a had to take some short walk breaks. Mile 9 seemed to go on forever, but mile 11 was worse. At mile 12 I knew we were getting close to Memorial Stadium, where we would finish at the 50 yard line. At that point it was all about pushing myself mentally. I saw my friend Randy cheering me on right before the turn to enter the stadium and I gave my last kick of energy to finish strong.

I crossed the finish line at 2:22:00 and scored a new PR!!

Congrats to Jaymie (who also scored a new PR of 2:06), Paula, and Kathy for finishing strong. I hope to one day be like Kathy - she's 61 and finished the full marathon in 4:45. Pure amazing.

Here are some pics:

Happy, happy, happy!!
Jaymie's a rockstar and ran a 5k on Friday night and the half marathon on Saturday, so she got 2 medals. And she PR'd on BOTH RACES!!!
Randy and Jaymie. Unfortunately Randy pulled a muscle last weekend and was unable to run the half marathon.
Jaymie, Kathy and Randy
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Now I'm off to work on my master's paper and powerpoint. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Damaris! That's awesome :)
